Refreshed styles and new reference types Updated styles Get the peace of mind about sharing your library and don’t have to worry about colleagues making changes to your library. You can select the access rights at the time of sharing, or adjust it later, and different access rights can be assigned to different users.
Now you got the ability to choose whether you share a library with full Read-write permissions or the new Read-only mode. Let your colleagues get right to what they need they don’t need to sift through your entire library to find what is pertinent to them.
Group sharing now gives you the ability to share your groups with colleagues right from your EndNote desktop with both read-only or read-and-write access. New collaboration and sharing features in EndNote X9 Group sharing Students and Staff in the above Subscribing Schools can request installations of Endnote 20 from the Software Center on University Managed PCs, and can request an installation for use on a Personal Device via our Request Form: Student Endnote Request Form (secured)Ī Web-browser based version of Endnote is also available, please see EndnoteWeb page for more details.Contact us at or +44 (0) 2 for more information.ĮndNote X9 has gotten new and improved features for sharing your research and references with your colleagues, updated styles and new reference types, and a new integration with Web of Science for citation reports and manuscript matching. Staff and students not in these schools can purchase licences, please see Purchase Endnote for prices and how to buy. College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.Open-Access Computers Subscribing Schools and UnitsĮndNote home use is available to all students and members of staff in the following subscribing schools:
Software Services administer a site license subscription for EndNote. Endnote is available for both the Windows and Macintosh operating systems to subscribing schools.Įndnote is available on all Open Access PCs across campus.ĭetails of Open Access computers are on our IS website: